Strong technical background with a history of automation and collaboration.
Facilitator of the agile team process. Most recently at with Infosys Clients.Have run Docker Data Center (swarm mode) in Production.
DevOps Consultant for Harvard Information Technology, Academic Technology, service provider.
DevOps Department Head and creator for the past 4 years. Created tools to make developers’ work-flow more efficient by eliminating repetitive tasks. Created test driven development automation software.
Web applications Developer with over 19 years of web application development experience. Experienced in Drupal versions 4.6 — 8 development including custom module development. Hands on experience in every part of the Software Development Life Cycle including: scope building, wire frames, design, theme integration, front and back end, web/mobile application development, server building, tuning and long term administration including down time rescuing. Effective problem solver who works with users and managers to accomplish goals.
AWS, Azure, VMWare, Digital Ocean, Rackspace, Linode.
Docker, Kubernetes, Vagrant, VMWare, Pivotal
Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK
AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, Jenkins (and even Hudson), TravisCI, Bamboo
Scrum, Kanban, Strong Style Pair Programming, Mob Programming
InSpec, ServerSpec, Cucumber/Behat, AWSSpec
Nginx, Apache, Behat, Git, Subversion, Bazaar, CVS, Drupal, WordPress, node.js, Ruby on the Rails, MySQL, MongoDB, Omeka, GlusterFS, Adobe Experience Manager
GO, Ruby, PHP, Shell scripting, Python, HTML,XHTML, HTML5 CSS/SASS/LESS JavaScript, jQuery, Groovy.
Linux, Mac OS X, (can use Windows but not provinsinet in server administration)
Bose Data Science Platform. Liberty Mutual -Sale Comp. Shared, managed Omeka hosting cluster for Harvard DiTF and Library Departments. WordMapper bookmarklet nodejs server. Ezesoft, Cornerstone Software, Piston, Knectar, Citisoft, Forsyth Institute, Schools For Children Inc, Mass Energy/Rhode Island Power, Juxtapid, Anheuser-Busch Inbev TapWiser app server
(Maark was acquired by Willowtree International)
Worked near full time with customer initiative to provide architecture and stable infrastructure for data science and artificial intelligence platform.
(Contract Role)
(Contract Role)